October 2013
Inferno in the Lost Pines
Bastrop, Texas, is home to a rare forest of hardy pines and a rare population of down-to-earth people. When a massive, record-setting forest fire destroyed more than a thousand homes, Christian Aid Ministries asked me to record the stories of these people. Similar to Shatterproof, the book follows a number of private citizens, as well as the emergency personnel who organized relief efforts.
I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Bastrop, Texas!
Three deadly tornadoes and the towns that survived them
October 2012
I wrote this book after walking the dusty and debris-littered streets of Joplin, Missouri; Hackleburg, Alabama; and Ringgold, Georgia. The three towns each have their own distinct personality. Yet in all three, I looked for the things that were not shattered in the catastrophe: courage, faith, and love. This book is a recounting, not only of the details surrounding the tornado, but of the strengths that lived through it.
Blue Christmas, April 2011
Christmas Vacation 2010, in my last year of nursing school, I went to Haiti to help in the cholera epidemic. Paul Miller and Lloyd and Bev Mast connected me with a hospital in La Source, Haiti, in need of help. I had no intentions of writing a book until perhaps the middle of my two week trip. I began to write on a spiral bound memo pad in my free time.
the time I arrived home I had written about 15,000 words. With my last
semester of nursing school starting, I knew I had to write fast. By
the end of January, I finished with a short book of about 40,000 words.
It was published in April 2011, by TGS International.
On the Winning Side, April 2010
I wrote On the Winning Side the summer before I started nursing school. I begged my friends, who also work in children's ministries, to share their stories with me. They did, which means the book is really a compilation of their stories. To protect the privacy of the children, all names and locations have been changed.
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